
16 a possible malfunction in the circuit

The following are the 16 circuit electrical malfunction likely.

First: the source of electricity breakdowns:

1 - Power key is corrupted. In this case, the Chamber does not work it is possible that the mode of operation and conducts electricity to the department. We must examine the entry and exit of electricity by a voltmeter.
2 - volt line for a low limit of 20%. In this case, perhaps the compressor, but the amp draw too much and perhaps definitive separation of the prevention of further pregnancy and should be checked volt circuit.

Second: crashes Raleigh voltage:

1 - File Rilay open. In this case, the compressor, but will not come out files Kabestor calendar and calendar of the circuit and this causes burning and explosion Alkabestor.
2 - terminals Rilay conjunctivitis. In this case, the compressor, but will not come out files Kabestor calendar and calendar of the circuit and this causes burning and explosion Alkabestor.

3 - Parties Rilay always open. In this case, the compressor will not be issued (voice hmmm) and separates Aovrlod within 10 seconds, due to lack of feed files Bkabestor Calendar Calendar.

Third: crashes Kabestor rotation:

1 - Kabestor open. In this case, the compressor amp draw, but more than about 10%.
2 - Kabestor by the Palace and in this case, the compressor, but the amp draw is too high and is separated categorically prevention within 20 seconds.

IV: crashes Kabestoraltqoim:

1 - Kabestor open. In this case the compressor and does not weigh separated categorically prevention within 10 seconds.
2 - Kabestor by minors. In this case perhaps the compressor without the benefit of Kabestoraltqoim.

Fifth: the key to prevention of crashes increase the load:

1 - the key to prevention of overload is open. In the holidays, the compressor will not be going to non-completion of the circuit.

VI: Compressor crashes engine files:

1 - Palace files rotation. Compressor is going on, but soon what separates the key to prevention for the withdrawal of the amp too much. And you should review the value of resistance between the two parties C and R.
2 - open the files of rotation. Not going compressor and remains resident must examine both sides of the connection between C and R.
3 - Palace Calendar files. Maybe the compressor is going or not going on according to the value of the palace must examine the value of the resistance between the parties to the C and S.
4 - Open the files of the calendar. Compressor does not rotate and separate the key to prevention within 10 seconds. Must examine both sides of the connection between the C and S.
5 - wire insulation damage files. Does not show any symptom of this failure is that Lord leak electricity to the body of the compressor. And may cause burning of the files if the damage is large.
Are examined using a compressor Almigromitr between the Party and the body of the compressor C after removing the paint and must be the value of resistance is greater than 2 mega ohms.
6 - Earth files. In this case, issue a voice talents of the compressor and in the key moments of separating the outer circle, because the compressor amp draw is too high.

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